Wednesday, January 27, 2010

hit the road, jack.

Twenty ounces of milk. Twelve diapers. Six hours of running around. Three changes of clothes. Two diaper bags. One beautiful boy. And a really big cup of coffee.

Jack and I took our first road trip together yesterday--a quick jaunt to San Antonio to see Bibi and Grandaddy, who were both in town for work. We were anxious to get together even for a short time as I was sure that Jack had grown visibly in the three weeks since we had last seen my parents. Plus, he really does get cuter every day.

I am willing to out myself as a card-carrying member of over-packers anonymous. (There was the time I broke a toe dropping a 50 lb suitcase on my foot after dragging it six blocks and toting it down two flights of stairs. Of course, I only needed to lug it up two more flights of stairs, through a train terminal, on and off an Amtrak, onto a bus, and around two airports. With the foot. No sweat.) But I felt like I was reaching new heights as I packed us up for the afternoon. This is the thing, though: when you travel with a person who eats eight times a day, can't walk or talk, and may at any moment end up with bodily fluids all over his just need lots of stuff.

We met up with Grandaddy at about 2 and headed to the hotel where Jack played and ate and slept and ate until Bibi arrived at 4!

Then we headed to Luciano's. Jack slept through the meal and only woke up at the end so that the mamarazzi and bibirazzi could get their fill of photos. There was a quick diaper change and then Jack and I were on the road again. We stayed later than we had planned, but it is hard to tear ourselves away from the grands.

Sweet boy made it to the Austin City Limits before he started to cry and then I couldn't wait to get home. We woke Daddy up when we got in. Then my big sleepy guy helped get my little sleepy guy into bed. Then a very sleepy mommy got to join in soon after.

Who knew that a trip to San Antonio could be such an adventure!

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