Thursday, May 13, 2010

mommy's little baby loves suppertime, sort of...

Here are an obnoxious number of pictures of Jack's
first attempt at solid food:

these are the cheeks that milk built.

first food: rice cerealthere is more to life than milk? i'm intrigued.


I tried to make it to six months without solids, but after more than a week of sleep regression (with J-baby waking up every hour and a half to eat), something had to change. Jack took his first few bites with skeptism. I think, though, that he has the Stafford appetite and willingness to try new things. By the end of his first meal, he was reaching for the spoon.

All the books tell you to watch for food allergies, and as I am a sufferer (strawberries, some yellow dyes, shark meat--long story for another time), I wanted to be vigilant about this. Jack ate a couple of "bites" and then started to sneeze and sneeze and sneeze. At first, I thought that it might be an allergy, albeit an odd one as mine present with hives. Then I realized it was just his way to efficiently get rid of the offending substance. Hilarious.

We haven't seen his sleep get significantly better just yet. I think that is because his schedule (and the number of ounces of milk he drinks at a time) are the same as they were three months ago. And he is about three times bigger.

I guess that with balancing the job and Jack, I sort of let what was working work until it didn't. We'll get sweetie baby sorted out before long. Once Daddy finishes school for the summer, we plan to get him eating in a way that makes more sense for a six-month-old. AND we'll get him sleeping in his own bed. In his own lovely little room. Maybe even through the whole night.

A girl can dream.

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