Friday, February 12, 2010

stab me once, shame on you.

12 lbs. 6 oz. and 23.75 inches
50th percentile for weight
70th percentile for height

As Daddy said, this boy is "one long, tall drink of milk."

Jack had his two month well-baby check yesterday. Daddy met us at the doctor's office, which was a great help as it seems to be cold and rainy every time we go. First, he was weighed and measured. The nurse did a double-take when she realized that little-bitsy had grown four inches in the last six weeks. Not so little-bitsy anymore! She was so unsure of it that she measured him again and came up with the same number. No wonder our boy has been wanting lots to eat and lots of sleep.

Jack jumped off of his old growth curve (5th percentile for weight, 10th percentile for height) and onto a longer, plumper one. We couldn't be more pleased as we think he is where he needs to be after a shaky start. While Jack is solid, he still has room for a few more thigh rolls.

Then it was time for four immunizations--two shots in each thigh. Daddy held his arms and tried to comfort him while the nurse worked super quickly. This mommy really appreciated it as Jack let out this piercing scream that definitely meant pain and surprise. When she was finished, the nurse told me that I could pick him up and he was just precious. He buried his face in my neck and snuffled for a minute and then stopped crying all together. Brave boy! Every once in a while, there is nothing like a mommy hug.

Jack and I stayed home from work today because I thought he might feel pretty crummy. He hasn't shown any signs of fever, though, and I haven't noticed any extra fussiness. He's been pretty tired today and that's okay with me. We've had a couple of nice cuddly naps together. If this is the worst of it, I might have to have him immunized more often. Just kidding. Don't tell Jack I said that!

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